Saturday, December 23, 2017

Music from Heaven, Lear Jet 8 Track, Hooked up to a 1959 Curtis Mathes S...

Music from Heaven, Lear Jet 8 Track, hooked up to a 1959 Curtis Mathes Stereo ... Christmas Music on an 8 track tape on the Lear Jet Stereo 8 Track Player Model H460 with Turntable and Speakers. This is a anything and everything system. Four speed automatic record changer, Am/FM stereo radio, fantastic sounding air suspension speaker system with woofers and tweeters. Versatile controls and lots of power. Color coded indicators lights are cool. Walnut styling will blend with any decor. AFC is terrific, and the best 8 track player of 1969.
Curtis Mathes Stereo a 1959 High Fidelity 6029B ... Curtis Mathes Electronics Company was born in the late 1950s at the birth of the high fidelity age. This is the age of the reproduction of sound, usually music, with minimum variation from the original. The wording "high fidelity" is commonly used in reference to many of the early Curtis Mathes stereos and televisions consoles. These masterpieces had electronic amplifying and recording systems designed to reproduce radio programs and recorded material with the highest quality commensurate with the current engineering techniques of the late 1950s. To do this, the system was to be built and capable of handling all sounds within the range of the human ear, from about 30 to 15,000 vibrations, or cycles, per second. This spectrum of sound, which is approximately the range of tones produced by a symphony orchestra, must also be reproduced with a minimum of distortion, that is, be free from any harshness or deviation from the clarity of the original performance.

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